Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Little Spider Man

Posted by Cecile at Thursday, May 17, 2012 3 comments
Last month if I am not mistaken, one of my son's classmate named Layla knocked on our door. Jacob and I were surprised to see her in front of our door. This girl was really mean to my son. She plays with him and then punches him afterward. She calls my son shorty. For a little while there, I would talk to her and ask her to stop bullying my son. Thank goodness, she stopped. Anyway, she asked whether Jacob can come to her house because her mother was doing some face painting with the girls. I asked Jacob if he wants to, and he said; 'yes.' And so away he went with her.

Few minutes later, he came back with the SpiderMan painted on his face. Kind of cool, don't you think?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bike Riding Safety

Posted by Cecile at Monday, May 14, 2012 0 comments
Saturday last week, I took my son to the park where the Crandall Fire Department conducted a safety bike ride for the kids ages 12 and under. Jacob learned to ride his bike with obstacles like the cones and dropping something on the trash can while riding the bike. He had fun, and I had fun watching him, too.

Anyway, when it was about to rain, we decided to walk back home. I was just disappointed that they didn't teach them about safety, like stopping and looking both ways before crossing the road, not riding the bike but pushing it to get to the other side of the road. Husband and I decided that we would continue to remind Jacob of safe bike riding to school and hopefully he would apply them when we let him ride his bike to school.

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