Monday, May 19, 2008

hoping it works this time...

Posted by Cecile at Monday, May 19, 2008
My husband and I loves to eat as you can see in our pictures. So, we always go out and eat esp. during his days off. He works a compressed hours shift which is twelve hours a day 5 days a week and 2 days the following week. As you guys can see, we have lot of times to eat out. And so we gained weight. This week we decided to minimize our dining out to once a week, that way we can save money and at the same time loose weight. So far we are doing good. Believe me, we tried a lot of ways to loose weight, but nothing works because we can't control our appetites. I cook a lot and he loves my cooking. He eats everything and loves Filipino foods. Just to loose weight he even tried Jenny Craig and that worked except with our budget so he stopped; then there's this 24 hours Fitness which by the way he signed up a contract for three years and only used it for three months and stopped working after I gave birth; that made mo so mad! Me? Yeah I did few things, too. I bought exercise ball, matt, hand lifts, waist band, books and just like him, then, I stooped. Now that we moved in here to Virginia, the only thing they have here in the area where we live is YMCA, so we signed up for family which is $69/ month with free child care which is we will see now how it goes!



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