Everyday a lot of old people are diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease. My grandmother is one of them. It is sad especially if one of your loved one is suffering from it. I grew up with my grandmother; she was a loving and supportive grandmother I could ever ask for. I was surprised when I saw her; she didn't recognized or remembered me at all. I don't know what to do but cry every time I think about her. I didn't know that it is a deadly disease till my cousin, who is working as a nurse in Florida told me so. She was sad, too! Every time we talk about our grandmother, we just both can't help but cry in the end.
I encourage everyone out there who are able even children to participate in Alzheimer's Memory Walk and become champions in the fight against Alzheimer. We all can really make a difference in the lives of those affected by it. Let us help the nation spread the words so everybody can participate in the program. Let us raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. Together, we can do it!
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