Saturday, October 4, 2008

Coolest Blog Award!

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, October 04, 2008
I thanked Rose of Obstacles and Glories for this lovely tag/award. I am flattered to have given this kind of award or tag; for I didn't realize my blog is one of the coolest one.

Once accepting this award, the rules are as follow:

~ Put the logo on your blog.
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you.
~ Nominate 10 other blogs.
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Now, I nominated 10 other bloggers for this award. I konw they deserve this award, too!

~ Juliet - for being a good friend to me even though we live far away from each toher now.

~ Redge - for her inspiring posts.

~ Race - for her good example of being a good wife and mother.

~ Umma - for making me feel that I can be of help to someone who needs it.

~ Maybel - for being good in managing familylife and work.

~ Danah - for being a nice online friend.

~ Maicel - for being a good sport and supportive one.

~ Cookie - who visits my blog every day and for the friendly messages left on my blog.

~ Imelda - for her unfailing visits and sincere comments on my posts.

~ Tiklaton - for being a nice and supportive fellow blogger.


Filipina Ini said...

such a very fast reply ah... i saw your from rose that is wy am here seeing your site that has been awarded. Congratulations... ^^

Maybel Mateo said...

tnx again for the tag mommy!o


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