Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Done with paper works at home...

Posted by Cecile at Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I am finally done dealing with paper works at home. I have paid the bills, balanced the checks and filed all important documents in the filing cabinet; all that is left was mailing the mails and bills at the post office. Those of you, who are in-charged doing it, can sympathize with what I am feeling right now and when I was doing it. It was like a heavy burden was lifted up and I now can breath well. Thank Goodness! Now I can relax and watch TV!


Chubskulit Rose said...

oganization is very important with me.. whenever i arrive from work and the house is in total mess, i immediately complain to my husband hahaha..

EJ said...

That's one I love about my wife, she's an organize savvy.. everything should be in order and I admire her because everytime i need something like paperwork, she can get it right away..

Chubskulit Rose said...

may new posts ako sa bago ko ate, if you have time please visit.. thanks!

Cecile said...

rose, I am like you, hate it when when the house is in a total mess.

Cecile said...

you guys are lucky you are married to Filipinas, because most of us grew up in a well organized house. learned that from our parents particularly our mothers :-)


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