Monday, October 6, 2008

Jacob's dreadful day...

Posted by Cecile at Monday, October 06, 2008
It was a busy day for us today; I thought I wouldn't get any opps today because of that. But my husband was kind enough not to accompany him at his doctor's appointment which lasted for more than an hour. So I stayed home working on my blog, dropping ec, visiting and completing opps. In the afternoon, it was my son's appointment for his 4 year old vaccinations. We picked him up at school earlier today; and got 5 shots plus his flu mists and he wasn't happy at all. It was heartbreaking seeing your little one crying for help while getting shots; but there is nothing we can do about it. It is for his own good health anyway, so we just closed our eyes till it's done. As a treat for him, we went to the newly opened Bass Pro Shop near home. And he liked that; he has forgotten the pain associated with those vaccinations he got. We were glad he is happy now.


Chubskulit Rose said...

I hate it when its time for my kjids vaccine too.. Because me myself don't like needles, that's why i dont like hospitals hahaha.. dropped ec..

Mommy Liz said...

I know what you mean. When my 6 year old gets his shots, he would scream and I can't bear to see him to that. I feel so bad, but..hey, they need it for their own good. I just remembered, they all need their October appointment. Hmm...
Take care..


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