Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Job Interview

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today I accompanied my husband on one of his job interviews that only lasted for an hour. It was a quick one so we have a chance to look at the area where he will be working in case he gets the job. We both like the job he is applying for because if hire the possibility of getting lay off again is small, plus the job would be easier and he doesn't have to stay in his workplace for 12 hours. Anyway, we are both hoping and praying that he will get hired. After the interview, we went driving around looking for a place to live. We both decided to live in a suburb area close to everything especially hospitals, schools and church and temple. It was fun day for us today and very productive, too!


kcatwoman said...

well i hope he gets accepted. have a nice day

Dhemz said...

I wish him luck te....also, hope you can find a great place to stay..compare the place you are living right now...:) good luck!

Umma said...

goodLuck to your hubby's job interview Ces.. at the same time you will be able to find a convenient place to move in.


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