Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cozmo Smart Girls

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, January 27, 2009
After watching the video from the widget I was amazed how Amy Poehler CozmoTV player and her two friends, Amy and Meredith put in to the show Smart Girls at the Partytogether. The show is very inspiring, encouraging especially to the children around. I can not imagine how talented those girls are! Showing how they are changing the world is a smart thing to do.Though they have different personality, style and purpose and life stories but have one in common. They are kids who are very talented, full of energy, smart, inspiring and optimistic. I am pretty sure that parents with young kids would be very happy when they see the show. And they would want their kids to be as energetic, optimistic, talented as the children featured on the show. It will also help kids develop their hidden talents and ability to do the things that they really want to do. How do you feel when your kid/s will someday be a famous writer, singer, dancer, interpreter and inclined in different musical instruments or maybe a future president of the country?

Anyway, the CN widgets has a lot of things to offer in public viewers and I really like it personally. I am glad to have found the site and that I was able to put the widget on my blog. Whether you like to travel, cook, meditate, hike, head-bang or just hang with your kids, their original shows are tailored to the things you’re into. It has shows that is family oriented, sports, weather channel and more. It is very amazing how much this widget can do. To all of you out there, I would like to encourage you to grab the widget and embed it on your blogs, Myspace or Facebook pages; all you have to do is visit or get your own widget here.




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