Thursday, May 7, 2009

HomeAgain supports the American Humane Association’s Be Kind to Animals

Posted by Cecile at Thursday, May 07, 2009

Have you or someone you know lost pet and never found it? If so, do you know that nearly 90% of all lost pets have never recovered and returned home due to lack identification? It is very alarming, don't you think? But this problem will never happened if those animals are microchipped and registered with the Home Again Web Site. This website have always on the lookout to find pets and also have helped reunite over 500,000 lost pets with their families! And if you are a pet owner, you can help the Home Again by outfitting your pet with proper identification that cannot fall off or become impossible to read, and in the process donates to the care of shelter animals. Anyway, through 9th of May, for each per registered, Home Again will make a donation of $1 to through a fundraising Web site specifically created to help shelter animals. The website also lists retailers where a portion of purchases will be donated to animal shelters for necessities such as food and medical care. There is no additional cost to you and you can shop to your hearts content knowing that you are helping an animal in need. So, what are you waiting for? Go to their website now and make a simple purchase; by so doing you not only help your pet, but also will give many pets a second chance of life by reuniting them with their owners. Isn't it a great way to help pets throughout the world?




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