Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Mayhem: Thom's 8 Words Meme

Posted by Cecile at Monday, November 30, 2009
Welcome to Monday Mayhem
This week's Monday Mayhem is brought to us by Thom-
You know- this guy :)

Directions: Copy and paste this into a blog post.
In Exactly 8 Words and 1 picture Describe:

1. Your love life
I love my family, church, parents, and siblings.

2. Your worst habit
Shopping clothes for my family especially my son's.

3. The city you live in
I like everything in city where we live.

4. Your pet peeve
Inconsiderate neighbors who make noises anytime of day.

5. Your parents

Are in the Philippines, far away fr
om me.

6. You favorite dessert
Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on it.

7. Your worst vacation
I haven't experienced a worst vacation so far!

8. Yourself
I am simple, shy but very friendly person.
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Unknown said...

Wow! Cool, description in eight words. I like it. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

Lulu said...

nice te ces.... pwede mo rin akong isama sa shopping hehehe

Jules said...

Yummy deserts. You made me drool. haha =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

Dhemz said...

hehhehe...ako pod te...kuyog pod ko ug!

thanks for the family pic...:)

fave mo diay ang peach cobbler...good to know....I made it one time...only hubby and Akesha ate it...ehehhe!

Unknown said...

Waaa maayo na bombahan silingana ces. Sama rin ako sa shopping mo ces. what a wonderful family.Thanks for sharing enjoyed your answers.

Rose Jane said...

Nice meme

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

nobody can beat shopping and a good dessert Cecs. I love it!


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