Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Mayhem: The Resolution Meme....

Posted by Cecile at Monday, December 28, 2009
Welcome to Monday Mayhem where no two Mondays are the same. Today's meme is New Years Resolutions. This meme by the way is created by Harriet.

Weight Loss
Photograph of the feet of a woman stepping on a scale
2010: Yes, this on top of our lists.

Money Matters: Tips from the Federal Trade Commission

in 2010... just purchased a new van... can't say to pay it in full in just one year.

Save Money
Cover of the publication: 66 Ways to Save Money linking to the PDF version
in 2010...definitely will continue to shop during clearance sale and also put a 100 bucks on savings every payday!

Exercise More
An airborne person on rollerblades, an airborne teen on a skateboard and a woman jogging.
in 2010..., I am determined to lose weight for my son's sake!

Smoking & Tobacco
in glad I don't smoke :-)!

Rethinking Holiday Drinking
in 2010...and don't drink either :-), yay!

Eat Better
in 2010...for us it is more on portion.

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