Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reading Books with Daddy

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, February 20, 2010
These are few of the reading sessions my son and hubby did. As you can see, they ready anywhere, anytime, and in any position, lol! I find it very amusing to see these guys read books. Me, I read book with Jake every night before he goes to bed...for he wouldn't sleep without it. I am glad that my son loves books. He can now read simple book and that to me is awesome. I couldn't read the book till I was in second grade or when I was eight year old; and here my son who only six year old!

As what my son always says: reading is fun!

I am a firm believer that when you read to your kids when they are still young, it will help them a lot especially on their speech development and communication skills as well as appreciation on book and how important it is to read when they get older. Hubby and I read at least 15-30 minutes a day with our son...and that short time makes big difference in our son's lives.


Dhemz said...

so cute...very amusing indeed! musta ang inyong weekend teCes..agi lang ko dire kadali ha...mwah!

Chris said...

wow, great daddy moments!

by the way, can i request to be added to your blog list? i have a new blog at

Unknown said...

Hahaha ka weird sd saduha nag basa ug books oi nag sung ay mn sa unico iho lol. that is sooo sweet.

Clarissa said...

I love the way they bond by reading books!Ang cute tingnan nilang mag-ama!

rjs mama said...

bonding moments :)

hope you drop by

RJ's day to day activities
Journal of RJ's mom

Mommy Liz said...

You're right about that. Wrozlie loves book, but Roan doesn't like reading. He gets bored, but he reads really good. I can't believe he will be tested for "gifted child" I was like, why?? Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! A photo to treasure! :)

I agree with you that reading can help - speech, vocabulary and learning.

My son and I also had a reading session daily when he was still in preschool Now that he's in 1st grade, he has his own 'reading time' during the weekends (he's too sleepy during the school week)


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