Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our trip to Florida...

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I was gone for a week last week; we went to visit my relatives in Florida. All we did was visiting and eating more Filipino foods. I really enjoyed the time spent together there. We stayed for three nights and two days. Saturday, we headed back home. On the way we went to Savannah, Georgia and did sight seeing at the historic place where Paula Deen's restaurant and store were. We tried to fall in line so we can eat at her restaurant, that it was so popular before you can eat, you have to make reservation the next day by going there as early as 8:30am to have dinner and you are not even sure if you will be lucky enough to have dinner the same day. So we decided to pass it that time, we shop at her store instead. Then we went to St. Simon Island; the beach was so pretty. Too bad we don't have time to swim. After spending a night at a motel, we continue our journey home with the last stop at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Oh man! It was so beatiful in there that we are planning to go back in Sept. where it wouldn’t be as busy as it is now. There are a lot of things to do there. That place is really a place for a family vacation. I recommend that you guys go see it for yourself. Anyway, I will post some of our pictures taken there.



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