Wednesday, June 11, 2008

we were relieved ...

Posted by Cecile at Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My son is turning four this July and is now attending Pre- School (mother's day out) five times a week and is enjoying it. Lately, he has been terrified seeing the doctor that he would cry the moment we get inside the clinic. He screams like you are hurting him or stuff like that. Now that he is about to go to the Pre- K public school), one of the requirements to get admitted is dental report. So, today we went to see a dentist who I can say was the best one; because for just five minutes they were able to convince him to sit and have his teeth checked without fuss. He actually enjoyed it, we were all amazed. Before that, we were worried that he would get hysterical and would scream loud; but we were wrong, it was the opposite. We were so glad. Now we are sure that it wouldn't be a problem anymore seeing a doctor (at least a dentist :-)...) Yeheyyyy :-)!


Michelle said...

good for you that you're looking forward to have a mother's day out. my friend was crying when her son's first day of school arrive coz she missed him so much. :)

laura said...

good for u both,ako rin dati takot sa doctor kahit malaki na me hahaha...ty sa visit


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