Sunday, November 23, 2008

Powerful Blog

Posted by Cecile at Sunday, November 23, 2008
This Powerful Blog Award was given by Sweetiepie; thank you dear for this one!
The Power Blog Award Rules:

1. Each blogger must post this rules.
2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names.
3. Don’t forget to leave them comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.For the Power

Blog Award I am nominating:

1.) NanayBelen of
Survivor Mom
2.) Geraldine
of Embracing My Past Present and Future Lifes
3.) Karla of Be Learned, Originate your Gains
4.) Maureen of
My So Called Student Life

5.) Jhelea of Complex Life
6.) Youngest of
The World Around Me
7.) Richard of
8.) Juliet
of My Angles World
9.) Nancy of Just The Way It Is
10.) Madz of My Life's Diary of Success


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...


richard said...

Thank you po for the award, ill do it later and happy thankgiving day to you and your love ones...

Keep on smiling :)


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