Monday, December 15, 2008

5 Healthy Holiday Gifts Ideas

Posted by Cecile at Monday, December 15, 2008
If you are not done shopping for gifts yet, and not sure what to get your family and friends; Try these goods for your gifts: by Lalla.

1. MP3 Player. Whether you're power walking around your neighborhood or hitting the weights at the gym, nothing gets you quite as energized for a workout as an MP3 player stocked with good music.
2. Tiffins. "The size and shape of containers can often double the amount of food you consume. Using those that only allow small portions of a variety of healthy foods can go a long way in encouraging healthier lunchtime eating at work."
Keep your loved ones in good health with these great gifts.
3. Electric Toothbrush. In addition to flossing, one of the best ways to keep gums healthy is to brush for at least two minutes twice a day, so those who are diligent about their oral health would be thrilled to get an electric toothbrush; these toothbrushes do an excellent job of removing plaque.
4. Gym Membership. "And for someone who's not sure where to start, a drop-in gift certificate for a yoga class or a visit with a personal fitness trainer might encourage them to get into the exercise habit."
5. Gift Baskets. "Instead of giving a box of rich chocolates, try something more nutritious, like a box or basket of fresh fruit.” "You can also create gift boxes of almonds, walnuts, and other unsalted nuts or even put together a collection of gourmet herbal teas in pretty metal packaging that can be reused over time."
Aren't these great gifts ideas? I think they are and I will definitely buy these gifts for my hubby's famly this Christmas. Visit for more info on these gifts!


Chubskulit Rose said...

great gift ideas ate.. dropped ec

Cecile said...

yup, good for people who have everything :-)dear!!


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