Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Cheer!

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You Spread a Lot of Holiday Cheer

During the holidays, you represent the true spirit of Christmas.

You give freely, and you enjoy this special time of the year.

There's a good chance that you spread cheer every time of the year... not just during the holidays.

You're kind, upbeat, and generous. Anyone who crosses your path is lucky.

Do You Spread Holiday Cheer?

Not bragging but I am indded a generous person and that drives my mother crazy! My hubby gets broke and myself happy. I like to give than to receive...and that gives me a sense of fulfillment and happiness that money can not buy! It is my pleasure to help without expecting anything in return.


richard said...

Hello, thank you so much for the tag and I have nice tag for you too and i hope yu like it....

Merry Christmas...

Cecile said...

thank you so much, Richard :-)

merry christmas again :-)


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