Sunday, January 25, 2009

Are You a Manga Reader?

Posted by Cecile at Sunday, January 25, 2009
I never heard about Manga before till my nieces introduced me to it. They love it. If you are not familiar about Manga or Anime, let me tell you a bit about it. Manga is a Japanese word for comics and it is originally published in Japan. It is also popular in Japan where even adult read it not just by teenagers. You can read it in comic books or novel. Anyway, there is one the is very popular right now which about ghost seen by Ichigo Kurosaki who's job is to protect the innocent from Hollows. Anyhow, you will learn more of it when you go online and download it for free. There is new manga coming and it is entitled Bleach Manga. You wouldn't want to miss this one.


Clarissa said...

YEP,here!!!A manga reader!!hehehee!! I have seen Bleach on TV but haven't read it on manga--must have on my lists!\(^0^)/You must read Detective Conan manga,too!!And Major,and Hayate The Combat Butler and they're so many of them on my lists!!lol!

Cens World said...

my son is a manga reader..not not me:(

Hi, dear! i am glad you got my tag for you!! as soon as i have one, i will surely pass it on to you!! and thanks for visiting me!! As i write my reply, i am so glad i can now exchanges comments with you again! Take care and have a nice day... by the way, the traits you wrote about your hubby!! woww! you are one lucky woman! hopefully, more marriages will end up like yours!! I do hope so!

Have a nice day dear!!

amiable amy said...

heard it but never tried....hehehe...i might this time Ces


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