Friday, January 2, 2009

Hair and Scalp Problems

Posted by Cecile at Friday, January 02, 2009
My scalp is driving me crazy.It is dry and no matter how often I wash my hair it is still dry and is giving me dandruff. I guess I need to do what I hate putting on my hair which is baby oil. Why I hate it? Well, it makes me feel hot or warm not to mention makes my face greasy a little idea why is that? It is worse during winter! Do you, guys have any idea how to get rid of those flakes falling off my hair? Oh, by the way, my hair are falling off, too. I feel like I am going to a chemo or something! Well, hope these problems will stop soon.


amiable amy said...

According to a gay friend of mine who works in a parlor :-), shampoo 3x a week and use conditioner everyday and wash your hair properly.

Sounds like advertisement but, Head and Shoulder (dandruff shampoo) really helps a lot.

Don't use the comb of others who had one, it is contagious hehehe....but, curable.

Chubskulit Rose said...

we have the same problem ate... driving me nuts actually..

added this one in my new blog

Pete said...

Hi Cecile, Nice blog, scalp problem very hard to get rid off, Thks for dropping by my blog. I have added you link to my blogroll in
Hopy you do so likewise. Have a nice weekends!Thks

CyberCelt said...

Thyroid problems can cause hair loss and dry skin. So can some vitamin deficiencies. If you have insurance, get tested.

Maus said...

include me on hair falling...maubos na aloevera kung tanim hehe

Chubskulit Rose said...

hello ate, i like your new lay out.. very mild sa mata hehehe.. dropped ec

Cecile said...

i will try using head and shoulder dear :-) thanks for the tips!

Cecile said...

Rose and Maus, am glad i am not the only one that has hair problems hehehe and glad, too that there is something we can do about them :-)

Cecile said...

thanks,Pete, added this one, too on my blogroll :-)

Cecile said...

thanks for the info, Cybercelt :-), thanks for the visit, too!

have a good day!

Cecile said...

thanks, Sarah, i will be visiting your blog often, too!

Anonymous said...

A low cost, green eco friendly, healthy natural way to deal with scalp problems and dandruff is to make a homemade liquid from soapberries which grow on the Chinaberry tree and have been used for thousands of years. They work very effectively.


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