Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pretty Flowers

Posted by Cecile at Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I love flowers so much! They make me feel good every time I go outside and see these flowers. Reminds me of God's creations and its purpose of beautifying the earth as well as for our nourishment. We all know that there are flowers that can be eaten.
Anyway, my husband and I love nature and everything that is in there. When we go camping, we always make sure that we go on hiking and to see plants and flowers as well as wild animals. It is very relaxing and make us forget our troubles and difficulties in life even for just a short time. And most of all just stop to enjoy and appreciate the beauty we have been blessed with.


Umma said...

I love flowers too.. really make my day lighter.. Everytime I see flowers, I like to smell it first.

Clarissa said...

I love flowers,too! most especially tulip!:)

Dhemz said...

same here te..I love flowers..kaya nga si hubby always buy me flowers and plants...hehhe..! can't wait to see the spring again


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