Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let 's Laugh at Filipino Jokes

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, April 25, 2009

Born during the night = Andy Lim
Born blind = Kenneth Sy
Born swindled = Lino Co
Born while cooking = Nilo Toh
Born as 10th child = Sam Po
Born while being courted = Lily Gaw
Born fat = Bob Uy
Born little = Kathy Ting
Born different = Eva Yan
Born with porridge = Lino Gaw
Born looking for someone = Asan Sia
Born while counterfeiting = Faye King
Born on Sunday = Lyn Go
Born with malice = Mali Sia
Born during a quarrel = Ally Tan
Born with picture = Lara Wan
Born with sweets = Ken Dy
Born undefined = Sam Ting
Born wh ile taking a bath = Lily Go
Born not to take a bath = Dina Lily Go
Born while buying = Bill Lee
Born secretly = Tina Go
Born to fart = Otto Tin
Born Ugly = Pang It
Born abnormal = Sam Ting Wong
May reklamo ka? Nat Ting!


Unknown said...

whoahahaha kalingaw sd, making fun of the names. we also have funny names and family names like kuto, buto, ug uban pa. malingaw mn sd ta ana mga names.

eden said...

bwahahaha.. alegre sad ni oi. makalingaw kaayo.. mawala sad akong kaalay..hehehe

Chie Wilks said...

Hahaha..good jokes..sakto man jud kaau ang mga name dah

Clarissa said...


Umma said...

hahaha.. funny indeed.. you made my night Ces... katuyo na ra ba kaayo.. OT muna me sa bloghop.


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