Monday, June 2, 2008

First and Last

Posted by Cecile at Monday, June 02, 2008

First and Last

Receive this tag from Tess*. Thank you friend I appreciate it.
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2. Creative In Me 3. Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. Supermodel Wannabe 7. FunFierceFabulous 8. Filipino love stories 9. A Mom's Note 10. Tasteful Voyage 11. Ummi Rosma 12. Asian Mutt International 13. Speech-Less 14. Anne Love Will 15. Neurogyp 16. Bernie in Wonderland 17. Sojourn 18. Pinay Mom in Czech Republic 19. Czech Republic Trip
Now it's my time to share this tag to these to Everyone who wants to participate:-)!

First:* First Real Job: Production Operator*
First Screen Name: Cecile*
First Funeral: My Grandfather when I was 7 years old*
First Pet: Dog named "Tala (in English -Star)" *
First piercing: My ear (when I was still a baby)*
First Credit Card: Visa*
First Kiss: My mother*
First Enemy: I dont remember anymore*
Last:* Last car ride: Yesterday*
Last Kiss: My loving Husband


Katelove's said...

Hello, I'm here again for a visit and checkin in. Have a gud thrusday and Take Care!!


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