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- Jake visited his cousin, Cody in North Carolina
- Get your free Laptop today!
- Problem accessing PPP
- Well Maintained Golf Courses
- All went well...
- Get Your Merchant Account Today!
- A Very Busy Week
- Getting cash advance easier!
- Jesus Loves the Little One
- Back To School Shopping Sale
- In-laws vacation in Virginia and North Carolina
- Daddy's Home!
- My Lucky Day!
- Canada Pharmacy Escrow Service
- I thik this is funny...
- Best Web Hosting Rate
- Our New Camera
- Unique way to remember your family and life
- You are Totally Like Your Mom!
- First and Currently Tag
- Mother's day out and swimming lessons...
- Disney Bingo, a family game!
- Fill in ...Tag!
- True love is...
- Out to play miniature golf...
- Amazing New Website!
- The difference...
- Nationwide Collision Repair Experts
- Burglary in the U.S.
- Agricover, answer to pickup truck needs!
- Winning Friends - Why do we need them?
- Unique Halloween Costumes
- Friends, Please update my old url to this new one,...
- You're an inspiration!
- coupons, saves you a lot!
- Survey About Me Tag
- The Sproutwells
- Spread the Love
- You are very Green Drver!
- Excuse Me!
- The Famous, Virginia Beach...
- Cartier
- The Leaning Tower, Pisa in Italy
- Poem for Mothers and Mothers to be!
- Get organize with everything!
- Proudly made in the Philippines!
- I can't live without it!
- Why do we need Friends?
- Perspective
- All About Shoes
- What's Your Mankind Motto?
- Things that YOU and I should REMEMBER and NEVER F...
- Filipino Festival Fun and Games for Kids
- Dating 101
- My Yesterday and Today!
- Time to retire...Goodnight!
- Small Visit of Jesus from Ashland, Virginia!
- Snack Time
- Brillante Weblog Award
- Jake's four months stays at Mother's Day Out...
- Affordable and Quality Checks
- Our trip to Myrtle Beach
- A mismatch socks!
- I hate these shores.
- A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award
- Four Generations....
My Online Buddies
My Other Blogs/ Links
Sweet Life of Jacob
Disclosure Policy
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Jake visited his cousin, Cody in North Carolina
Friday, August 29, 2008
Get your free Laptop today!
Is your computer is old and outdated? Have you been thinking of replacing it but you don’t have enough saving to do it? Well, I am sure you will be surprised when I tell you that you can get a new laptop computer for free. Yes, you heard me right. Charter Communication Service Online is a company who gives telephone, cable and internet services in every home nationwide. Right now, they are having a sweepstakes contest that will automatically enter you to win one of their new 30 HP Compaq Presario C770US Laptop when you order one of their services online.
The Laptop value price is over $600. The great Charter Services online includes: charter high speed internet for $19.99 a month for 6 months, charter digital home and high definition speed internet at $69.98 a month for 6 months or if you go for a whole package internet digital home and telephone, you will only pay $99.97 a month for whole year.
This is a great deal for back to school online. Can you imagine winning one of their 30 laptops? Not only that after buying their services they’ll give you a free Shell Gas Gift Card worth $100. Where can you find that deal? This sounds very good to me since; I have been saving to buy a new laptop, now I can get it for free!
If you are interested, go to their website Charter Laptop-a-Day Giveaway for a chance to win the sweepstakes and for the details on how to enter the contest. Make no delay, for this doesn’t happened all the time.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Problem accessing PPP
Well Maintained Golf Courses
All went well...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Get Your Merchant Account Today!
He went and was really surprised for all the great information he gathered from there. He said he will definitely use Merchant Advisor for his business credit card processing. It really is easy to get the job done when you use their merchant advisor. There a lot of benefits when using their services: let’s start with free merchant fee, means no service fee; you don’t have to sign a contract, which means you can cancel it anytime if you are not satisfied; credit card transactions is process the same day and funds will be in you checking account the next day; no set up fee now, never! No application fee, no annual fee for merchant account and more. If you are not yet satisfied go to their website and see if for your self, that they fast inexpensive credit card processing with no cost and no long term obligation on customers side. "If you need to accept credit cards for your business, we feel comfortable that if it's a matter of comparison shopping, you'll come back.... said by Merchant Advisor."
A Very Busy Week
Getting cash advance easier!
Jesus Loves the Little One
Back To School Shopping Sale
In-laws vacation in Virginia and North Carolina
Daddy's Home!
If I will bid and win, the only price I want is for the good health of my entire family. If you want to bid and win go to their website for more info.
My Lucky Day!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Canada Pharmacy Escrow Service
I thik this is funny...
Best Web Hosting Rate
Monday, August 25, 2008
Our New Camera
Unique way to remember your family and life
Sunday, August 24, 2008
You are Totally Like Your Mom!
You and your mom are practically clones. You think alike, and you even seem to read each other's minds. You're definitely you're mother's child... and that's just fine with you. |
Friday, August 22, 2008
First and Currently Tag
I got tagged by KristineKate. Thank you, Girl for this one :-).
1. First piercing - Ears (when I was still a baby).
2. First best friend - Melissa
Mother's day out and swimming lessons...
Disney Bingo, a family game!
Now, do you know that Disney created a new ScreenLife Game Disney Bingo DVD game? It is called Disney Bingo game. I like playing Bingo game and I tried playing it and I had so much fun! I can’t wait till I get the one I ordered online, for our family to play with! What I like most about this is that this video games teaches children about colors, numbers and matching skills with their favorite Disney characters. Itsn’t it great? It is exactly the games for kids ages 4 and up.If you are looking for games for the entire family, you have to have it. You will find them online at or
Fill in ...Tag!
Never in my life have I: broke up with someone.
High school was: was fun.
When I’m nervous: sweat a lot and my hands are shaking.
My hair: needs a haircut and highlight.
When I was 5: I was living with my grandparents.
When I turn my head left: I can see my son asleep.
By this time next year: we’ll be moving to a new house.
My favorite aunt is: No one.
I have a hard time understanding: the language of Latinos.
You know I like you if: I am nice to you.
My ideal of breakfast is: fresh fruits, wheat cereal with 2% milk and juice.
If you visit my home town: the weather is going to be hot.
If you spend the night at my house: you will never regret it.
The animal I would like to see flying besides birds: is sheep?
I shouldn’t have been: white rice because it makes my blood sugar high.
Last night I: I went to bed early!
A better name for me would be: the name that was given by my parents.
I’ve been told I look like: Alma Moreno.
If I could have any car, it would be: Toyota Matrix
Thanks Jhona for this tag.
Now it's time to tag: Umma, Rosa, Richelle and Danah.
True love is...

True love is a feeling of deep devotion, concern, and affection.
How do you know you’re really in love?
When you constantly thinking of him/her day in day out.
How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
Have you ever fallen out of true love because you were mad at the moment?
Absolutely not!
Do you feel love and physical attraction is the same thing?
No, they are totally different.
If your true love became ill or disfigured would you continue to love them the same way?
Yes, through thick and thin.
Should anyone else be able to tell you who to love or not love?
No, it is the a choice only I can make because it is my life not somebody else’s.
Do you believe people that ended up divorced were ever truly in love?
No, because if they truly love each other they will stay together forever, and work things out together for the better. Divorce means selfishness. Selfishness is not love.
Would you do anything for love?
Yes will do anything for love except it is against God’s will.
If you truly love someone, do you feel it should be unconditional?
Yes, it should be, that is one real characteristcs of true love; loving unconditionally.
Now, I am passing it to: Sheng, Juliana, Maybel and Joy.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Out to play miniature golf...
Amazing New Website!
The difference...
Problems just tumbled about me,
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
I tried to come into God's presence:
I woke up early this morning
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nationwide Collision Repair Experts
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Burglary in the U.S.
Agricover, answer to pickup truck needs!
Winning Friends - Why do we need them?
"A hug is worth a thousand words, a friend is worth more."
We need friends for many reasons all throughout the seasons.
We need friends to comfort us when we are sad.
We need friends to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice.
We need friends we can count on and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember us; to share memories with that will always last.
Spread the poem of friendship.
1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts 4. My Life's Rollercoaster Ride 5. Madz Life's Diary 6. Madz Wedding in Mauritius 7. Youthful Voices 8 Follow your sense you adventure 9 Learn, Love and Laugh thru BLOGGING! 10. Life is Good and beautiful 11. YOU
Now, I am giving hugs with ALL my friends on my lists.
Unique Halloween Costumes

The clown costume is for my husband. He likes it; I don’t know why? He is not even a funny guy at all. He is a serious one who watches a lot of comedy shows and movies; now, that made sense, I think. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and be the first one to browse their wide selections of unique Halloween Costumes.
Friends, Please update my old url to this new one, thanks!
Monday, August 18, 2008
You're an inspiration! coupons, saves you a lot!
And you will be surprised how much you will save by using their free online coupons or coupons codes.
Survey About Me Tag
Here's what you're supposed to do: Delete my answer and replace it with yours.
Two names you go by:
1. Cecile
2. Cecilia
Two things you're wearing now:
1. Dark green capri pants
2. Red t- shirt
Two things you would want [or have] in a relationship:
1. Trust (already have)
2. Respect (already have)
Two favorite things to do?
1. Spend time with family and friends
2. Going to church/temple
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Visit with the family in Philippines
2. Get a new house
Two things you did yesterday:
1. Went to church with my son
2. Watched Noah's Ark on T.V. with my family
Two things I ate yesterday:
1. Assorted olives bought at Bloom
2. Water melon
Two people you last talked to:
1. Hubby
2. Juliet
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Shopping at Asian market
2. Clean the bathrooms
Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving
Two favorite beverages:
1. Water
2. Crystal Light (any flavor)
Two people no longer alive that you'd like to talk to:
1. Grandma (Mameng)
2. Evelyn (mysister)
Please do not spoil the fun; share it with friends.
I would like to know more of my friends: Agnes/Ness, Bing, Cookie, DhoyM, Emzkie and Fe.
The Sproutwells
Green is one of my favorite colors and it reminds me of vegetables and fruits like the sproutwells and how important it is for all to eat vegetables for it is good for our health. Anyway, my favorite character in this video was Ruby, who likes animal especially the dog named Phyto. What I like about this is when Ruby held Phyto in her arms and he stated dreaming about her being a Hollywood star and when her mother agreed to keep the dog and take care instead of taking it back to SPCA. The funny thing was when Phyto peed on Rosie’s feet and she got mad.
There are days that you feel bored, just watch the video and it will surely make your day happy. it is from the; you can even share it with you family and friends. In the next package, there is a mystery to be unfolded just watch the video to find out.
Spread the Love

BLOGGERS: 1. Jenny Said So 2.) Simply Jen 3.) This and That 4.) Bargain.Sales.Deals. 5. A Slice of Life 6.) Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Me and Mine 9. Creative in Me 10. For the LOVE of Food 11. Little Peanut 12. Pea in a Pod 13. It’s Where the HEART Is 14. Around the World 15.SugarMagnolias 16.kathycot 17. buhay misis 18. when mom speaks 19. walk on red 20. kathycot cooks 21.quicker8 22. Eds Mommy Life 23. My Precious Niche 24. Just Me.. Eds 25 My Wonderful Life 26. Life is Good and Beautiful 27.YOUR BLOG HERE
Sunday, August 17, 2008
You are very Green Drver!

Saving the planet is probably pretty important to you.If not, saving some money definitely is!You don't use much gas when you drive, and you only drive when necessary.Only if everyone else showed so much restraint!
Are You a Green Driver?
Excuse Me!
If you haven’t heard about Ultimate Flirting Championship from Extreme Style by VO5; then it is time for you to play their game. No money involve, all you have to do is register and play and you can be sure after playing the game, nobody will say worst or annoying line with you again, ever!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Famous, Virginia Beach...
Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Leaning Tower, Pisa in Italy
My Dream Vacation!

1. Pink and Bubbly 2. Everything Kimchi 3. The Cake Chronicles 4. Pinoy Gaming World 5. Morning Dew and Roses 6. The Journey 7.Survivor Mom
Create a post on your blog and add your site.
Now, I want to know the dream vacation of: Sheng, Juliana, Laura, Claire and Yums.
Poem for Mothers and Mothers to be!
Our mother is the sweetest and
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise,
Than angels can recall.
She's not only beautiful,
But passionately young.
Playful as a kid, yet wise,
As one who has lived long.
Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light,
And makes the mountains sing.
And makes the meadows turn to flower
And trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bower
In which our hearts take root.
She is at once the sea and shore,
Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring ships.
Yet keep the things that last.
~Nick Gordon~
Get organize with everything!
My four year old son goes to Day-Care for a mother’s day out program. We put him there for the reason that he needs to learn to socialize and get use to being around with kids his age. He is our only child and it was very hard for him to interact with kids his age because he was home with me for a long time. Anyway, the other day, he lost his towel for his swimming lesson and it was good we have File folders for all his clothing and other stuffs that belongs to him like toys, books and other things. We were able to find the towel because we put his name and phone number in case he lost it. I labeled everything in my house and it made my life easier.
Putting labels in everything makes it easy to organize things. You can put File folders in almost everything, from home, office, even your kids who go to school especially those in grade school, high school, college and even kindergarten. They can keep track of their belongings in case they couldn't find them. Surely it is a great help for every one who wants to keep track of everything and get organize.
Proudly made in the Philippines!
I can't live without it!
The Earth is the only planet where humans and all living things can live. It is created for us beautifully and it is up to us to maintain it and make it a nicer and better place to live. I am glad I am part of it and I will do my best to protect it from harm and danger. But what you going to do when it is destroyed? If you are to live on a different place or planet, what would you bring with you and why? I would bring my cell phone with me for this is the only way I can communicate with my families and friends literally; the only thing I will know they are safe and their whereabouts.
Speaking about planet, Operation Immortality: Leave your mark. Save Humanity. is a new game where you can play online; and it is called: Tabula Rasa. In the game you have to help save the history of humanity’s greatest achievement, digitized human DNA, and personal message all over the world. I am not into video games, but when I tried playing it, I started to like it and now I can’t stop playing it with my son. It is fun and very exciting! If you are one of those who like playing video games, this is the one for you. You can play it free if you sign up now.

Why do we need Friends?

We need friends to comfort uswhen we are sad,and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice.
We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember usone we have passed sharing memories that will always last.
Spread the poem of friendship.1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. Life is good and Beautiful 5. YOU!I am passing this to all of you . . . for being a part of my amazing blogging life!
Now, I am passing it to my very good friend, Juliet and friends I met in the blogging world: Umma, Michelle, Maybel, NanayBelen and Sweetiepie, Race, Redge and all in my blog roll.