Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Yesterday and Today!

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, August 09, 2008
I was tagged by Jhona with this one. Thank You Dear!

Here are the Rules:
1. List 6 things that describe yourself today and yesterday.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.

1. I did the usual dropping and picking up my son at school.
2. Did all the chores except laundry.
3. Updated my blogs and visited friends blogs and did opps.

1. I am going to Filipino festival.
2. I will prepare myself for church tomorrow.
3. I will have my haircut done.

Participants : GailAdi / Momeen / Emmyrose / Dennis / Dette / Jirl / Janny / Nanay Belen / Carol / Something Purple’s cucina / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Stripe&Yellow / Something Purple / Em’s Detour / Spin180 / Wisdom City / MY Happy Place / IamDzoi / ClikTrik / I Love the Thirties / Ozzy’s Mom / Me,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / FunFierceFabulous / Blogger Happy / Berry Scrappy / Everyday CHI / My Colorful World / Explore Manila / Random Thoughts / When SAHM-one Speaks / Deranged Insanity / Mighty in Spirit / Straight from the Heart / Simple Delights / Motherhood in a Nutshell / Love Is / Wonderful Things in Life / My Life's Adventur" / Photographic Memories / The Joy Of Life Forever / The Fountain Of Happiness / A Message From My Heart / The Adventurous and Sporty Side of Miah / MeiYah's Blog / MeiYah's PhotoBlog / MeiYah's World / MeiYah's Sweet Nothings / Sheng's Simple Thoughts / My Wonderful Life / Life is Good and Beautiful /

Now I want to know yours: Cheryll, Avee, Umma, Vina, Marly and Kate Ashley.



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