Sunday, August 17, 2008

Excuse Me!

Posted by Cecile at Sunday, August 17, 2008
Whether you are single or not, teenager or young adult, flirting happens all the time. It can be annoying sometimes and sometimes it is welcoming. Unfortunately, it happened with me one when I was at a school cafeteria eating lunch by myself. There was this guy who approached me and said: “excuse me”, may I sit with you?” there is no available chair table and chair here except this one. It made me upset, I can see that there still lot of them available. That was the worst excuse I have ever heard. I was like “hello! Do I have a Victory Hair?

If you haven’t heard about Ultimate Flirting Championship from Extreme Style by VO5; then it is time for you to play their game. No money involve, all you have to do is register and play and you can be sure after playing the game, nobody will say worst or annoying line with you again, ever!

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amiable amy said...

Hehehe...what an experience! I will try that site you mention .... hmmm...curiousity...


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