Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why do we need Friends?

Posted by Cecile at Thursday, August 14, 2008
It is true, we all need friends for no man is an island. I for one is very fond of making friends and making someone feel very special and I am a friends keeper, also. I thanked Sheng and Lauri for becoming one of my friends in the world of Blogs. Sure appreciate your kindness, Guys!

We need friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort uswhen we are sad,and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice.
We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember usone we have passed sharing memories that will always last.

Spread the poem of friendship.1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. Life is good and Beautiful 5. YOU!I am passing this to all of you . . . for being a part of my amazing blogging life!

Now, I am passing it to my very good friend, Juliet and friends I met in the blogging world: Umma, Michelle, Maybel, NanayBelen and Sweetiepie, Race, Redge and all in my blog roll.


Maybel Mateo said...

Hello mommy cecile! I've just made one like this from Sheng... but thanks for remembering me... ingat :-)

Gorgeous MUM said...

thanks for posting this! glad we're friends!


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