Saturday, October 2, 2010

No Mommy Moments Entry

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, October 02, 2010
This week's theme on MM is Jumping. I was sad because I wasn't able to join this week for I don't have even a single photo of Jake jumping :-(. I wonder why I didn't think of asking him to jump so I can take picture of him actually jumping. I bet he would really like hat. I better ask him so I can post a late entry. Anyway, I would just be contented visiting entries and have fun with cute kids jumping alone or with their friends, and families. Have a great weekend everyone!


Karen Chayne said...

nah ako pud ate ces walay entry kay wala pud ko pic ni sydelle nga nag ambak... hehehe! Happy Sunday to you!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Pareho ta ces no MM sd ko ky way photo hehehe

Dhemz said...

na ako gani te nga galisod man ko pangita ug pic nga jumping...nyahahah! lol...:)


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