Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fall Kid's Jobs

Posted by Cecile at Saturday, July 25, 2009

1. Tutor

Tutoring takes a lot of dedication, patience, and planning. You need to be able to listen to your students and encourage them to ask questions, making sure that they understand everything before you move ahead. Be kind, follow up with them on previous sessions, and give generous praise. The most important thing you can do is make your students feel comfortable. Parents will be impressed and spread the word.

2. Help with the Harvest

Try picking produce on farms or in orchards, or simply help your neighbors harvest their gardens. To go the extra mile (and get extra money), help get the food ready for storage by washing, canning, or drying it. You can also prepare the garden for winter by removing old plants and picking up rotten fruit or vegetables.

3. Organize a Bake Sale

Aim for variety. Provide some non-baked goods, such as hot chocolate, wassail, candy, or cookie mix. Try decorating baskets or plates of treats with gift tags. This will allow you to sell more at a time and give customers a chance to buy great homemade gifts for their friends.

To maximize profit, gather a good-sized team of your friends. Divide the work and expenses into equal portions, and then split the profits evenly.

4. Rake Leaves

Ask your customers if they would like you to bag the leaves and remove them, or if they would prefer you to leave them in piles for their children to play in. Offer to spread the leaves in your customers' gardens or make a home composting station. Decomposing leaves can make a good fertilizer.

Source: LDS Living Magazine


EJ said...

I used to do asme of these when i was young


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