Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Play and Win ... Great Sweepstakes!

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Calling all sweepstakes fanatics out there. There is another way to play and win sweepstakes with out spending money to buy tickets or anything like that. It is easy, all you have to do is go to the website that will help you win great prices. This is an interesting sweepstakes because instead of winning cash prices, you will win electronic gadgets worth 2.99 of text message. Sounds good to me. In order to win the game, you need to visit SMSnia.com. You will need to choose the sweepstakes you want play before playing and the choices are cars, travel, home electronics, game console, computers and accessories and many more. When you are done with the choosing, click the detail on how to play the one that you picked, then there will be three steps telling you how to start. And from there, you can start playing by writing text messages; and if you are lucky, they will send you a code on how to claim your prize. Prizes are as follows: an iPhone, 3G 16GB, Nintendo Wii, Nokia N96, Acer laptop, Sony digital camcorder, TG1 GHD, GPS navigation, iPod touch, perfumes, Swarovski jewelry sets, men's and women's deluxe beach cruiser bicycle, plane tickets and more. What are you waiting for? Send text message and win now! That is not all, do you know that you can also make money by promoting different sweepstakes. And you can do that by placing a banner or link on you site; when people click the banner or the link and play, there will be a 30% commission given to you. Isn't it great or what? Are you interested now? Go to see their website for more information about this contest.


Ron Centeno said...

Interesting sweepstakes. Nice prices too.


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