Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tag Heuer Formula One

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I already started shopping gifts for holiday season to send to my family in the Philippines. I have this box half full already. I always look for a good deal when I shop; and most of the time I go to the mall for they always have a sale or clearance sale that I couldn’t resist, but get whatever I like that is cheap. My father’s dream is to have a nice brand name watch; and this Christmas, I am going to surprise him with a tag heuer formula one watch even ‘though he likes other brand better. I am sure he will jump for joy when he sees it. The watchery.com carry huge selections of luxury and branded name watches like Tag Heuer watches and you can choose whatever you want or one that suits your style. Their styles are very unique and elegant; you will never find that in any other watch stores. Their customer service is also great! You can never say “no thank you, or maybe next time” to them because they are very friendly and accommodating.

If you are planning to buy now, they have this very special offer, a Watchery give away where you will get a free watch or save 80% off with a purchase. Better go and shop now to avoid crowd's last minute shopping; you will be glad you did, for you save yourself from a lot of trouble.



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