Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Donate Now!

Posted by Cecile at Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is close at hand. We finally made up our mind to spend it home after going to my husband sibling’s house. It would be nearly three hours drive, but I hope we will all have fun. Anyway, is everything ready for you and your family this Christmas? Have you decided yet where will you spend it? Is this going to be a grand reunion or just a quiet time at home? Whatever your plans are, hope that you would also keep in mind those families who will be missing their loved one ones this Christmas. My family and I give donations to the church where we belong. We also make sure to donate to a group like the Sears Heroes at Home wish registry. Sears has once again trying to make the holidays a little easier for the 30,583 families of the soldiers who are deployed overseas like Iraq and Afghanistan. They will be away with their families this Christmas. If you are interested in making a donations for them, you can visit Sears’s website at Sears.com. Donations made to this registry are tax deductible and will be given as a Sears Gift Card equal to all registered families. Make a difference in the lives of those families everyday and especially this Holiday season. I am sure you will be glad because you will be making this Christmas a little bit easier and brighter for these military soldiers and their families.




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